Friday, March 31, 2006

How Much is that Doggie?!

Cute puppy I saw at the pet store this afternoon. This is exactly the type of dog I'd love to get if the Wifey ever agreed to try it out...why not email her and tell her how much dogs add to your life?!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's not easy being a Sardine

Today was pretty much a wash out the moment I woke up. I didn't want to get out of bed, and I knew it would only get worse if I did.

Sure the weather is amazing, I'm very close to vacation time...and I've got no real complaints to speak of...but work man...something has got to be done about work. I love the people here (most of them), I like my job (most of it)...but the confines of this building are starting to get to me. This company has been expanding recently, which is always a good thing, but lately we've reached the maximum capacity for allowable space..I've been shoved into a corner with 8 other people very very close to me. Most of them are on the phone all day with customers, and when they aren't talking customers they're gabbing away about something else...

I need quiet for my work...I need time and a place to think!!!!!

Venting ends...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Jack Bauer and the Killer Man-Purse

First of all, the best show on TV has not had Jack kill anyone for at least the last two or three hours/episodes...could it be that my count has made them realize how much of a badass Jack is and they want to scale it back? Could my plan have backfired?!

Secondly, this topic came up on AICN, Jack always seems to carry a little duffel bag with first it was called his 'Purse' but I like another name for it the ASSAULT BAG. It comes standard with.

2 adult diapers: In case you get tazered and lose bowel control

4 random colored t-shirts: Need to appear clean when fighting terror

1 pair of aviator sunglasses: Again, to fight terror

1 .45 cal pistol: Where would you be without one?

5 .45 cal clips: With a pretty gun and no bullets...

2 Frosted Cherry pop-tarts: You need energy to fight terror

1 Nintendo DS featuring Metroid Hunters: For those lonely hours on a stake out or when you want to kill things and no one is around

1 PDA: 24 proves that a good PDA can do ANYTHING, download massive files, live video feeds, co-ordinate assault teams..the works

1 untraceable cell-phone featuring the numbers of friends that are now dead: Almost as useful as a PDA..the cell phone works anywhere, anytime..unless the plot calls for it not to work..

1 picture of Kim Bauer: I seriously doubt daddy would carry this picture...I just had to add it

1 picture of the cougar that stalked Kim Bauer: Again, no idea why daddy would want to carry this, but hey...they're pretty

3 bills that need to be paid: Everyone has to pay the man, even THE MAN himself! Who cares that you saved the US a bazillion times..the taxman cometh! (sorry about the idea what to add here)

1 bottle of Tylenol: For those lamp-torture interrogation headaches

4 pairs of white socks: Blood splatter is hard to get out...

14 random exploding memory cards: "You gave your word!!" (funny only to serious 24 viewers)

1 spy glass: Having it on a key chain would be even more handy!

1 container of hair gel, and a flask containing Pierre: You always have to look your best!

The JACK BAUER ASSAULT BAG available at Walgreens.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New Zealand Bound

I will be heading to New Zealand next month for a 10-day vacation in and around Wellington. Ubisoft, makers of “Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie” headed a contest a while back where the winners receive an all-expense paid trip to Wellington to visit the WETA studios, and I’ll be escorting them!

My journey begins on April 6th and I arrive on the 8th (the 7th will magically disappear from my calendar thanks to the wonder of crossing a ton of time zones), I have a few things already planned, my wife and I want to take some city and LOTR location tours, and we plan on seeing some friends I have made over the years while working on Lord of the Rings, King Kong and Narnia websites. Of course I also want to do some lounging about in the pre-fall goodness that is Wellywood. I will be shooting some video to be featured on the site, so keep an eye out for those!

I plan on having a ton of photos and goodies to show you from my trip, and if you know of any cool places to visit in the area, drop me a line!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Open Wiiiiide

This afternoon I went for my colonoscopy, not best way to kill some time let me tell you. I have to say the staff at the Lakeshore Hospital were very nice and did a good job with me. I was escorted to a room and told to remove everything 'below the waist', put on those famous hospital gowns and hop a stretcher.

Everything was pretty normal until they started jabbing me with a needle to get an intravenous in me, then suddenly I got all woozy, dizzy, hot and light-headed...all this BEFORE they start medicating me..

I calmed down after a while and the wifey joined me to wait for my turn. My mom also works at the hospital so she stopped by for a visit. When my turn was called I was wheeled into the operating room and then fed some funny drugs..they sorta put me out of it...but I was aware enough to answer questions and all that.

The procedure itself is pretty painless until they really start to dig deep and then it feels like your gut may explode..the pain waves passed in and out of my guts..then it was all over...I was wheeled back into the waiting room with Wifey.

I left soon after that, with a killer upset stomach and the need for food. I'm slowly recovering now. I should be fine by tomorrow.

So, any of you folks out there doing this test and are nervous...I survived.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Holy Crap!

No, this isn't the continuing story of my 'clean out'...but today my sister called with the news that I'm going to be an UNCLE! Which means...She's PREGNANT!!!

I am so amazingly happy for her!

Top Pop Culture Uncles:

Uncle Fester
Cool dude who can light a lightbulb by putting in his mouth

Uncle Buck
John Candy and a cigar...'Wild Thing!' baby!

Uncle 'Doc'
Doc's nickname from Back to the Future I

Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Cool 60's spy

Uncle Leo

Uncle Jesse (Full House)
He was cool back then, kinda fay now

Uncle Jesse (Dukes of Hazzard)
He made Hillbillies look friendly

Uncle Owen
He raised Luke Skywalker, gotta love that!

Uncle Sam
Sure he's American...but gotta love the finger point

Uncle Ben's
The famous rice dude, possibly also married to Aunt Jamimah

Uncle 'Bob'
Fake name John Connor gives the Terminator in 'Terminator 2'

Uncle Kracker
One time cool 'rock/rap' artist

Waiting For The Eruption

I just downed 45ml. of this 'Fleet Phosfo-Soda' stuff in preparation for my exam tomorrow. This stuff is supposed to 'clean me out' so to speak, I can't feel any effects yet..just waiting for it to work.

I sorta feel like Alice in wonderland when she takes the cakes that say 'Eat Me' and the glass that says 'Drink Me' she can shrink and grow etc..I'm waiting for the effect...any second now...

I'd love to know how they discovered this stuff makes you 'go' at an accelerated rate..think they tested it on rats first? Imagine being the PhD doctor who has to collect and record rat pooh to see if it's shitting more than normal?

What about the first human they tested this stuff on? Can you imagine how he felt sitting there, wondering if this thing will make him 'go' or turn his insides into lava? I'd love to read the reports he had to fill out for the scientists

Day 1: Went pooh, wasn't too a magazine
Day 2: Went pooh 5 times, kinda annoying
Day 3: Shit my heart out...literally..

Still waiting for this stuff to take effect...lets hope it hits me before "24" and or "Prison Break".

Housewarming Party Pics

Click on the photo above for some pics of our recent family housewarming party..we plan on a second 'friends only' party later next month...aren't we clever!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Must See TV

So I never told you the results of that intestine-happy x-ray exam I did I while back. Turns out my 'upper GI' (medical term) is ok, no problems there, the next step is the 'lower GI' test..that involves a little roving camera...roving where no man has gone before...

yeah I know..

I think it won't be as bad as the nasssty stuff I had to take for my first test..think of what the bottom of a bus would taste like if they added chalk to it and poured all that in milk.

Except this time I need to take a substance a day or so before the exam...this fun stuff will 'clean me out' so to speak...

Then they insert the camera and have a look around...the odd thing is they have a TV and I can watch if I want...MUST SEE TV!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Jack Bauer Kill Count

March 6th Kill Count: One

Sorry I'm late for the Kill Count update..Jack killed one of the baddies on last Monday's two hour show. He also shot an old lady in the leg to get her husband to talk...classic!

Last Monday also featured the return of Kidnapp-addict Kim.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sin Cos Tan...Whuzzah?

Yesterday I got to thinking about all the mundane things I studied in High School that now are of little use to me in 'real life'. I was thinking about things like the Sin, Con and Tan values on my calculator, when in my everyday life would I want to know the exact angle of a obtuse triangle? Or when, say while getting gas, would I ever need to know the exact center of a circle?

And what about my science and history classes? When would I need to know all about the beaver trade in lower Canada while doing IT work? Do I ever need to know anything about the periodic table of elements these days?

I know these are important things to learn and study, and for some people these concepts and facts are the very basis of their lives...I'm just saying they personally do nothing for me.

I'd love to be able to go back in time 10 or 12 years and visit myself studying notes from ecology class and be able to tell myself 'Don't worry..this will mean nothing to you in 'real life'.

What if your future self determined what you needed to study in High School? Every student gets a special meeting with their future selves, they get a curriculum of valuable, important data that their future self determines as important. No more ecology (unless you want to) more beaver trade or Sin Cos & Tan!

Of course...this is all impossible.