Monday, January 30, 2006

Jack Bauer Kill Count

In a very disappointing move, Jack Bauer did not kill anyone this episode! He did put a knife to somone's eye and threaten to maul him, but that doesn't count! Ironically it was still a very very good episode, even with out the Jack Bauer Power Killing Hour. Maybe next week he will make up for it and kill 12 people...who knows. Current count is still at 6. That about 1 person an episode so far.

Oh My God Someone Kill Today

Today is just one of those days where it doesn't pay to be in IT. As I arrived 5 users had issues login in, it took me 3 hours to realize the hub needed a good restart. Then I needed to fix a query for the shipping department (they were doing what I call the 'pee pee dance' where they are so impatient they look like kids who need to go pee). And to top it all off my mail is not working properly, it's now 3:15PM and I still haven't been able to open my mail....blah!!!

I'd love to go back to the days of quills and parchment...wouldn't that be nice?!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


I'm sure I have that quote wrong in my title but whatever, for my record 3rd posting in one night I have got to let you know about a fire we spotted today while heading out to one of our favorite spots in Montreal, St-Anne-de-Bellvue.

As we arrived my wife spotted this large garbage fire burning right behind a group of buildings. I called 911 and told them about it, I'm sure the fire dept. was already on their way, but who knows. We quickly parked the car and went pack to see the fire, and of course snap some photos.

The fire rages

To the rescue!

More Spraying

Checking the roof

Big Ladder



My dad came over today to put up two nice hall lights we got last week. They were harder to put together than the space shuttle, and came in more pieces I think. He finally managed to get them setup and they look really nice. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to take care of house things as well as my dad. Mind you, he doesn't read the instructions, use all the tools and equipment given, but he still manages to get the job done. So far I did one thing major to this house, remove a cabinet..only to have to put it back up again (with dad's help)..I hope to become more 'handy' in the future.

Re-Charge This!

Last night seemed to be 're-charge' night for almost all the little gadgets I use in my life. My cell, gameboy, iPod, wifey's cell and portable DVD player all needed to be re-charged. I got to thinking how we as humans re-charge, we sleep and eat.

What if some un-godly corporation found a way to have workers who can work AND sleep and eat? Some horrible company that forces workers to file papers in their dreams, fill out expense reports while feeding you with tubes?! I bet someone, somewhere is working on day we could all be jacked into a company, sitting in a cubicle that doubles as our home..working 24/7...and when you die, the feed you through a gigantic shredder and turn you into lawn mulch.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

24 Update: Jack Bauer Kill Count

Jack Bauer was in fine form last night on "24", mind you he only killed one person during the episode. However the person he did kill was a professional assassin who infiltrated CTU to kill Jack.

This season is gearing up to be very interesting, while I was getting a bit tired of the various 'moles' in places, it seems they are making a twist this season with them.

Updated kill count next week!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

DO NOT vote for Stephen Harper

Steven harper wants to use $2 billion from the climate change fund to pay for transit pass tax credit.

He will abolish Gay marriage

He will abolish BREATS FEEDING,he claims it is sexual exploitation of children" by forcing them to participate in an otherwise "erotic behaviour" Is he kidding?

In a recent interview with Radio Canada, he suggested that he would revisit Ottawa's decision not to participate in the Bush administration's missile-defense system. The Conservative platform calls for increases in foreign aid to bolster Canada's role in the world, as well as an additional $5 billion in military spending to recruit and outfit an additional 13,000 troops and 10,000 reservists.

Conservative leader Stephen Harper today told the media: "I tend to think of you know people up to 80 to 90 thousand dollars as being middle income in this day and age... 90 000 DOLLARS FOR MIDLLE CLASS? UR AN IDIOT.

Today in New Brunswick Stephen Harper said:

"Whether it is sitting down and working out a deal to clean up the Saint John Harbour, getting to the bottom of the Agent Orange affair, or improving our national highways, we will stand up for Atlantic Canadians," Harper said.

But Mr. Harper's platform and fiscal plan released last Friday allocates no money whatsoever to infrastructure programs that could fund the clean up of the Saint John Harbour. Mr. Harper seems not to understand that a fiscal plan attached to an election platform needs to allocate money in order for a future government to be able to follow through on promises.

He will cut pensions

Stephen Harper admits his promise on fiscal imbalance will cost $40 billion

Harper Would Raise Income Taxes: Conservatives Would Tax Low and Middle-Income Canadians to Give to the Rich

He will turn CANADA into the United states of america...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weather Wheel-of-Fortune

What is up with the weather lately?! It has been about as stable as Mary Kate and Charlie Sheen in a meth lab. Yesterday it was so cold you could have lost a finger if you didn't wear gloves, today it's RAINING and melting all the snow. Tonight apparently it will freeze over again, and we're expecting almost hurricaine level winds..what's next, frogs and blood rain?!

It really has been an odd winter so far, it snowed a TON before Christmas, then January was fairly warm...suddenly a cold snap that is colder than anything odd.

ok I have more 'unstable' jokes,

'The weather has been about as stable as Pamela Anderson's cleavage on a roller coaster'
'The weather has been about as stable as Dick Cheney's heart rate'
'The weather has been about as stable as a Sunday afternoon in Iraq'
'The weather has been about as stable as Tom Cruise sanity...'


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

One Sick Puppy

I'm sick...nothing serious, I'm not even taking time of work (yet)...but I still HATE being makes me..well..sick.

Kleenex everywhere, coughing, sneezing, chills, headaches...blah...totally sucks.

When I was thinking of a title for this post I was going to write 'Sick as a dog', then I thought of 'One Sick Puppy'. What is with the sick and dog references? Why not 'Sick as a cat' or iguanna or llama? 'Man I'm sick as a llama today'...that works for me!

I also use my own unique term I coined 'I feel like dogshit', not even realizing I was adding to the odd sick and dog reference terminology out there. I think I'll stick to my llama references from now on, save the dogs!

Back to being sick, I have Kleenex balls all around my desk at work and home, it's the worst feeling nose is raw from wiping it. My ears are also blocked, so I feel like I'm in a bubble. Also, 3 year old Halls still works, just in case you were ever wondering.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Jack Bauer Kill Count

Jack Bauer Kill Count

Jack is back! Yeah baby! "24" returned last night on FOX with a BANG! Two hours of non-stop action...amazing! I think for this season I'll be updating you all on the number of bad guys Jack Bauer kills...prepare for the 'Jack Bauer Kill Count'.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Back To Work-ish

So I'm back at work today, it will take me a while to get back into the swing of things. I had to hit the ground running this morning as it not only is back to work Monday, but the first of the month, which means I have a ton of reports and lists and other things to update for the company.

It upset me today to hear that hardly anyone else went back to work, on the morning radio show they were laughing at the 'traffic' report..since hardly anyone was on the road..and here's little old me, slogging off to work this A.M.

I was dead tired from around 1 to 4..but now I'm getting my second wind so to speak..It's funny how you can get used to a new schedule so quickly...I want to nap!!!