Monday, March 20, 2006

Waiting For The Eruption

I just downed 45ml. of this 'Fleet Phosfo-Soda' stuff in preparation for my exam tomorrow. This stuff is supposed to 'clean me out' so to speak, I can't feel any effects yet..just waiting for it to work.

I sorta feel like Alice in wonderland when she takes the cakes that say 'Eat Me' and the glass that says 'Drink Me' she can shrink and grow etc..I'm waiting for the effect...any second now...

I'd love to know how they discovered this stuff makes you 'go' at an accelerated rate..think they tested it on rats first? Imagine being the PhD doctor who has to collect and record rat pooh to see if it's shitting more than normal?

What about the first human they tested this stuff on? Can you imagine how he felt sitting there, wondering if this thing will make him 'go' or turn his insides into lava? I'd love to read the reports he had to fill out for the scientists

Day 1: Went pooh, wasn't too a magazine
Day 2: Went pooh 5 times, kinda annoying
Day 3: Shit my heart out...literally..

Still waiting for this stuff to take effect...lets hope it hits me before "24" and or "Prison Break".


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