Jack Bauer and the Killer Man-Purse

First of all, the best show on TV has not had Jack kill anyone for at least the last two or three hours/episodes...could it be that my count has made them realize how much of a badass Jack is and they want to scale it back? Could my plan have backfired?!
Secondly, this topic came up on AICN, Jack always seems to carry a little duffel bag with him...at first it was called his 'Purse' but I like another name for it the ASSAULT BAG. It comes standard with.

2 adult diapers: In case you get tazered and lose bowel control

4 random colored t-shirts: Need to appear clean when fighting terror

1 pair of aviator sunglasses: Again, to fight terror

1 .45 cal pistol: Where would you be without one?

5 .45 cal clips: With a pretty gun and no bullets...

2 Frosted Cherry pop-tarts: You need energy to fight terror

1 Nintendo DS featuring Metroid Hunters: For those lonely hours on a stake out or when you want to kill things and no one is around

1 PDA: 24 proves that a good PDA can do ANYTHING, download massive files, live video feeds, co-ordinate assault teams..the works

1 untraceable cell-phone featuring the numbers of friends that are now dead: Almost as useful as a PDA..the cell phone works anywhere, anytime..unless the plot calls for it not to work..

1 picture of Kim Bauer: I seriously doubt daddy would carry this picture...I just had to add it

1 picture of the cougar that stalked Kim Bauer: Again, no idea why daddy would want to carry this, but hey...they're pretty

3 bills that need to be paid: Everyone has to pay the man, even THE MAN himself! Who cares that you saved the US a bazillion times..the taxman cometh! (sorry about the pic..no idea what to add here)

1 bottle of Tylenol: For those lamp-torture interrogation headaches

4 pairs of white socks: Blood splatter is hard to get out...

14 random exploding memory cards: "You gave your word!!" (funny only to serious 24 viewers)

1 spy glass: Having it on a key chain would be even more handy!

1 container of hair gel, and a flask containing Pierre: You always have to look your best!
The JACK BAUER ASSAULT BAG available at Walgreens.
Pretty dang close to what I thought was in there.
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