PCHS 1995 High School Reunion

Last night was the PCHS Class of 1995 10 Year High School Reunion. Grads from far and wide converged at the Four Points Dorval and partied the night away. While a lot of my close friends from high school did not show up, there were many that did and I was looking forward to seeing them for weeks now.
The hall was a modest room decorated in the PCHS black and gold colours, we had a DJ who got the night off with songs from back-in-the-day. The food was...edible..but not the best, the coffee was good..but the conversation was better.
I sat with 2 old friends, Tara and Laurie..they both had their husbands with them, Troy and JF..two really nice guys. Also with us was fellow grad Bonnie and my wife (easily the most beautiful woman in the room)..it was a really fun night. We positioned ourselves in the back of the hall, mainly because I love to people watch, and of course gossip about so and so.
The open bar was of course the main attraction, with many a refill and shots going around. It was really nice to see so many old faces, a very surreal feeling at first..but something I got used to.
Click on the image above for more goodies from last night.
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