10 Years is 87600 Minutes*
*(Or 10950 bytes if you are 1337)
Please ignore the above if you AREN'T a geek. Anyway, a little less than 3 weeks until my 10 year high school reunion. And while I've been one of the people helping out with arranging things, setting up a reunion website and posting pictures, I'm not entirely sure I'm THAT excited about going...I mean..I'd love to see some people..I could do without seeing others. I guess I'm being just my usual anti-social self in saying this...who knows. I will be nice to see a lot of these people...it's funny when I was calling some of them letting them know about it, it seemed some were not too fond of being reminded about how old they are getting..
'Hello, this is your wake-up call to remind you that you are no longer the youth generation, you are no longer considered hot, hip, trendy or cool. You may be getting fat, white hair (or losing it all together) and hair in odd places. Oh and yes, lets get together with other people from your youth to really bring home the fact that you are almost thirty...have a nice day'

Ah well, I'll quote from one of the best films on the subject Gross Pointe Blank.
'Everybody's coming back to take stock of their lives. You know what I say? Leave your livestock alone.'
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